Pink & Green Tourmaline Necklaces (Raw Crystal)




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Pink & Green Tourmaline Beautiful Crystal Necklaces

Pink Tourmaline is a stone of love, compassion, emotional healing and self love. It helps calm ones emotions in times of distress, and is the perfect stone to carry if you suffer from daily bouts of anxiety. This stone is such a strong healing stone due to it commonly being formed within Quartz masses. Quartz naturally amplifies any stone placed near it, so we regularly recommend Pink Tourmaline to anyone suffering from heavy emotional pain weighing on the heart. For people who have recently gone through a tragedy, heartbreak, loss of a loved one, or simply can’t kick that daily depression, Pink Tourmaline is the stone for you. Try meditating with a piece over your heart and allow the crystals healing energies to directly absorb into your heart space. Allow yourself to face whatever it is weighing on you and look for resolution.

Green Tourmaline is a powerful heart-activation stone that brings an invigorating energy of growth and expansion to the emotional body. It creates a resonance that benefits the heart chakra and thereby it is thought to also support the physical heart.

Various lengths – 15-30mm
Width – 15-20mm
With Silver connector

Weight .100 kg
Dimensions 3 × 3 × 3 cm



PLease NOTE: we WILL BE away FROM 25 Apr returning on 1 Jun 2022, and will not be able to process orders until that date

Thank you fROM the Team

Back on deck shortly! xx